Philippians – To be obtained
08/12/22 08:13
In Philippians 3:1-4:1 Paul gives his testimony in contrast with the ‘dogs’ he urges the believers to look out for. The surpassing worth of knowing Jesus has made everything else rubbish in his eyes. That is why no matter how, by any means, he wants to attain the resurrection from the dead. In a wordplay he says it is because he has been obtained by Christ Jesus (3:13). He says in fact that the more he realizes that he is not his own but Christ’s the more he enjoys the power of Christ’s resurrection. The resurrection will be a sudden event, I believe, but its influence can and should be experienced in our daily walk with the Lord. Without the resurrection we are unable to walk with the Lord. Although Paul does not mention the Holy Spirit much in this letter, He plays a vital rol in this life in connection with the resurrection. He is the Spirit of the resurrection, not just as a promise, assurance, guarantee and hope, but as the very source of our life.